how to make your house smell like a 5 star hotel
A while back i shared my trick for making diy le labo santal 33 perfume for only $16. now, i want to share a similar hack for making your house smell like a 5 star hotel with the same essential oils!

how to make your house smell like a 5 star hotel
have you ever wondered how fancy hotels make their lobby’s smell so good?
well… let me tell you a little story!
When Le Labo opened it’s Nolita store, customers didn’t immediately start stocking up. that is, not until hotelier Ian Schraeger ordered a batch of custom candles for the Gramercy Park Hotel.
other hotels also started ordering custom le labo scents to fill their lobbies. which brings us to present day: tons of the top resorts around the world use le labo scents to fill their hotels with elevated aromas.
you can buy le labo scents & candles, but they’re crazy expensive. I don’t know about you, but $75 for a candle just isn’t in the cards for me.
i’m also a huge fan of candles – but often feel like they don’t give enough scent to fill the entire house.
which is why i went on the hunt for similar scents. i found a ton of amazing essential oil le labo dupes on amazon – which you can then use in a diffuser to make your house smell like a 5 star resort!
another cool find: aroma retail & the hotel collection sell other popular hotel chain fragrances! They even tell you which hotel chains the scents smell like!
popular luxury hotel scents
bellagio las vegas diffuser oil
ritz carlton hotels diffuser oil
the resort at pelican hill diffuser oil
westin hotels white tea diffuser oil
All you need is a diffuser & pick an essential oil from your favorite hotel! your home will smell amazing at a fraction of the cost!
Hotels and resorts use industrial diffusers, which is how they get the scent to spread through such large area. The major difference. is that they are waterless diffusers and give yuou more control over the scent level. Here’s a great wall mounted version & here is the one I ordered for using in our home.
if you’re not a fan of reed diffusers or ultrasonic diffusers, they also sell linen sprays and room sprays, candles & wax melts in each hotel scent!
Luxury Home Fragrances
If you want a more portable signature scent option, put a few drops into a spray bottle and fill it with water. you can spritz rooms, furniture & linens with it! Such an easy way to make your entire house smell great. You can also add a drop or two to your soap and lotion!