How to Make DIY Designer Easter Eggs with Cricut
Easter eggs… but make them fashion. We’re making DIY designer easter eggs!
I’ve been meaning to break out my Cricut and try some fun new DIYs. Since Easter is just around the corner, I was inspired to make the most over the top easter decor. And what’s more extra than putting designer logos all over something?
If Kim Kardashian can have a Louis Vuitton garbage can, why can’t I have Chanel Easter eggs? There’s no better way to jazz up your hard boiled eggs than with designer decals. Turning your every-day decor into a work of art.

The trick to making these fancy eggs is using a Cricut DIY cutting machine.
If you’re not familiar with the Cricut machines, here’s a quick recap:
The simplest explanation is that the Cricut is an electronic cutting machine that looks kind of like a printer. But instead of printing designs on paper, it uses a a blade and a series of rollers to cut out pretty much anything you can think of. This includes vinyl, fabric for patterns, decals for shirts, paper crafts, and the list goes on.

The Cricut Explore is different than the older Cricut machines because instead of cartridges, you can access a Gian library of cut files. You can also upload and cut your own files. You can use the software on your computer or tablet, online or offline. It cuts over a hundred materials and you can also draw, score, and write with it.
In my case, I used my Cricut to cut out vinyl patterns and logos to apply to my Easter eggs.
You can get all of the designer logo files (and then some extras) here.
I used a Louis Vuitton logo, Louis Vuitton Print, Chanel logo, dripping Chanel logo, Fendi logo & Gucci logo.

DIY Designer Easter Eggs Supplies
- Cricut Machine
- Grip Cutting Mat
- Cricut Basic Tool Set
- Black Vinyl
- Vinyl Transfer Tape
- Hard Boiled Eggs or Plastic Eggs
How to Make DIY Designer Easter Eggs
Before you start, make sure to download the logo png files that you want to use.
Upload the png files into your Cricut Design Space. Making sure you delete the background as they import. Then, insert the logos or patterns you want to use.
You’ll also want to resize the images so they fit on your eggs. I scaled everything to between 1 and 2 inches.
Set your Cricut dial to “Vinyl” and prepare your black vinyl (or whatever color you want to use) on your mat. Click “Make” and follow the instructions on your Cricut Design Space screen.
Depending on how many eggs you want to make, cut the same number of logos. I recommend making a few extras just in case you have any issues.
Once the vinyl is cut, you’ll want to use your weeding tool to carefully remove the excess vinyl. I like to do it in a well lit area because the logos are small and can be hard to see. The more simple the logo you choose, the easier it will be to separate and work with. I found that the Chanel logo was the easiest to work with.

After you’ve separated your decals, you will use the clear vinyl transfer tape. Remove the transfer tape liner. Gently place the transfer tape (adhesive side down) over your design, starting in the center and moving out toward the edges. Use a craft stick or scraper rub the tape onto the vinyl. Peel the vinyl away from the liner at a 45-degree angle. If the vinyl sticks to the liner, rub the transfer tape onto the vinyl again, then continue to peel the vinyl away from the liner.
I used hard boiled eggs (that I made in my air fryer). You can use regular hard boiled eggs or plastic eggs. But make sure they’re clean and dry.
Carefully place the transfer tape with the vinyl design onto the surface of the egg. Instead of using the scraper, I used my finger nails. I didn’t want to crack the delicate shell.
Peel the Transfer Tape away from the vinyl at a 45-degree angle. Voila! You’ve got yourself boujee Easter eggs!
I’m obsessed with how they turned out. My personal favorite are the Louis Vuitton Easter eggs!