Unicorn Poop aka Lucky Charms Snacks

LUCKY CHARMS TreatsSomeone asked me over the weekend how I “became a blogger”. I sighed deeply and said, “hold the phone”… I’m not a “blogger” and used air quotes. I went on to explain that after I started Revenge Bakery, I decided to archive and share some of my recipes on a website. Technically since it’s on wordpress it’s called a blog, but I’m hesitant to call myself a blogger for various reasons.

1. When I think of a blogger, I think of some sassy fashionista wearing $700 shoes looking super serious about her gourmet lunch. Real talk, Revenge Bakery isn’t my full time job. I’ve been lucky enough to focus more on it over the past year, but I still run my own marketing business and that’s where the bacon comes in.

2. I’m also not leisurely posting about my life because I’m rich and famous and don’t have to work. I look for deals and like to cook things that real people can recreate. I’m not going to post a bunch of stuff that requires random ingredients you’ll need to go to the streets of Calcutta to scavenge.  If I’m at the grocery store and avocados cost $2 each, well we’re not having avocados for dinner. Technically I can afford that $2, but I’m cheap and refuse to overpay for stupid stuff.

3. From here on, this is going to be called my “anti-blog”. Why? Because my end goal is not to quit my job and get paid to post about my opinion and tell people how awesome it is to bake all day long. The reality is, I want to turn Revenge Bakery into something bigger and cooler than a blog. I don’t want to lose touch with reality and start acting like I live some glamorous life, because even if I was a millionaire, I would still shop at Forever 21 and refuse to buy $2 avocados.

That being said… Lucky Charms were on sale at Target this week. Hell yea, SALE! So I decided to buy a box, knowing I had an over-abundance of marshmallows at home. I have this problem where I always buy a bag and forget that there’s a half used bag in the back of the cupboard.

I made a special treat that I have now come to call “Unicorn Poop”. Why? Because I believe that if unicorns existed, they would be so magical that their poop would look like rainbows. Grossed out? Oh well. You can call them Lucky Charms Snacks. BORING.

Anywho… this tasty recipe only calls for 4 ingredients and you don’t need an oven! You can even use a microwave if you’re desperate.Lucky Charms Treats

[yumprint-recipe id=’15’]