The Ultimate Guide to Doing Laundry – Adulting Made Easy

Your go to, ultimate guide to doing laundry.

The Ultimate Guide to Doing Laundry

Ah, laundry day. The bane of existence for many and a perplexing puzzle for newbies. But what if I told you that doing laundry could be… fun? Yes, you heard that right! With a sprinkle of humor, a dash of simplicity and the right playlist, turning those mountains of clothes into fresh, clean bundles of joy can be as satisfying as nailing a Pinterest DIY. So, buckle up, my friend, because you’re about to become a laundry wizard!

The Ultimate Guide to Doing Laundry

Deciphering the Ancient Runes: What Clothing Labels Mean

First things first, let’s crack the code of those mysterious symbols on your clothing labels. Think of them as the cheat codes to laundry. And no guide to doing laundry would be complete without a code cypher.

  • The Wash Tub: If it looks like a little tub filled with water, that’s exactly what it means. Numbers inside? That’s the max temperature you can wash at. Dots? They’re basically temperature levels in a video game – the more dots, the hotter the water.
  • The Triangle: This is not the Bermuda Triangle, but it’s all about bleach. A clear triangle means go for it, a crossed-out one means “stay away, danger!”
  • The Iron: Pretty straightforward – it means you can iron your clothes. Dots come into play again for temperature settings. No dots? You’re living in a no-iron paradise.
  • The Square with a Circle Inside: This heralds the domain of the dryer. Dots for temperature, and lines underneath mean tumble drying with caution.
The Ultimate Guide to Doing Laundry

Sorting 101: Divide and Conquer

Before you throw everything in the machine and hope for the best, remember: sorting is your best friend. It’s not just about colors anymore; it’s about fabric type and drama level (because yes, some clothes are more dramatic than others).

  1. Color Me Cautious: Whites, darks, and colors. Keep them separated like rivals at a family reunion.
  2. Fabric Weight Lifting: Jeans and heavy sweatshirts shouldn’t mingle with your delicate tees. They need their own space.
  3. Drama Queens: Items that are new, look like they could run a marathon (color-wise), or are super delicate need the VIP treatment – sometimes, that means washing by hand.

Stain Treatment: The First Aid for Clothes

Spilled wine or dropped some spaghetti? No panic. The golden rule? Treat it ASAP. Here’s your quick fix guide:

  • Run it Under Cold Water: Works wonders for fresh stains.
  • The Magic Potion: Mix a bit of laundry detergent with water, gently apply it on the stain, and let it sit before washing.
  • Special Agents: For tougher cases, use a stain remover. But remember, read the instructions!

The Washing Machine: Your Laundry Ally

Fear not the machine, for it is here to serve. Here’s how to master it:

  1. Detergent First: Add your soap, powder, or pod into the designated slot. If you’re living that high-efficiency life, make sure you’re using HE detergent.
  2. Load it Up: But not too much. Your clothes need to do the salsa, not a slow dance.
  3. Settings Galore: Choose your cycle based on your sorting earlier. When in doubt, “normal” or “casual” is your go-to.
  4. Hit Start and Relax: This is your moment. Sip some coffee, or hey, turn on Netflix and relax.

The Dryer: The Warm Hug Your Clothes Need

Drying is the cozy finale:

  1. Check the Label Again: Some clothes really hate the dryer. When in doubt, air dry.
  2. Clean the Lint Trap: It’s like removing the filter from your social media – everything runs smoother afterward.
  3. Choose Your Cycle: Much like the washer, match the cycle to what you’ve washed. And remember, over-drying is the enemy of soft, cuddly clothes.
  4. The Buzzer Buzzes: Get those clothes out pronto to avoid wrinkle city.

Laundry Supplies: Your Toolkit

Here’s your arsenal for tackling laundry day:

  • Detergent: Liquid, powder, or pods – pick your potion.
  • Fabric Softener: For that extra softness and fragrance. Optional but nice.
  • Stain Remover: Your first responder in case of spills.
  • Dryer Sheets or Wool Dryer Balls: If static cling is your nemesis, these are your heroes.

Guide to Doing Laundry Essentials on Amazon

Amazon Laundry Essentials