RIP Self Shaming, Hello Posi Vibes

10 steps to improve body image - Erin Aschow - ice cream & neon dreams

What exactly is body positivity? Ok, so it seems like kind of a silly question. But, I feel like a lot of people graze over and don’t really know what the “full deal” is. I, like most women, am guilty of not always being kind and considerate of my own feelings. It’s hard not to compare yourself to what you see on Instagram, on TV & in your every day life.

Real Talk: I feel like everywhere I look, there’s more and more emphasis on looking perfect. Look at Instagram for instance, how much photoshop is too much photoshop? I’m all for a nice filter and buffing out some pimples. But it’s pretty common for celebrities and every day people to edit their bodies and shapes to appear “more attractive”. There are countless apps you can download on your phone dedicated to editing your looks. It’s kind of human nature to compare ourselves to others. Not that it’s a good thing. But when we’re comparing ourselves to “suped up” versions of other people, how are we supposed to ever catch a break?

I’m totally guilty of following countless celebrities and bloggers who I don’t actually know. I’ve never met them in real life, but I feel like I know them through their pictures. And every once in a while, I go down the rabbit hole of Insta stalking and internalize all of the “attractiveness”. I end up in a “shame cave” of sorts, worrying about my armpit fat and laugh lines. Do I need to spend my life savings on a personal trainer & celebrity plastic surgeon?

Bullshit. I’m calling bullshit. Whatever version of yourself you see in the mirror is perfect. Every body deserves love! The laugh lines that I’m self conscious of? I’ve had them since I was a kid! My dad even has them. It has nothing to do with aging, it’s just me. Am I a size double 0 with 2% body fat? Hell no. I go to the gym and work my butt off. Do I go every day? Meh, not so much. Do I eat healthy? 70% of the time yes. Do I have a piece of pizza on date night? You bet your booty I do. I’ve learned to remind myself that this is me. NO ONE is perfect. We’re all critical of ourselves, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t feel beautiful, regardless of our doubts.

Recently, I partnered up with Macy’s to “take the leap” and start spreading more body positivity. The bottom line: the most important thing is to push and encourage yourself to be the best version of yourself you can be. See how that’s pretty open ended? There’s no “you need six pack abs” or “you need to look like a Kardashian”. Instead of making changes to “fix” something about yourself, try focusing on an intention, like gaining strength or improving endurance. Here are my 10 Steps to Improve Body Image. They may seem like common sense, but every now and then we could all use a simple reminder to just be nice to ourselves. 

10 steps to improve body image