Mas Cervezas: DIY Painted Corona Bottles

I have a confession to make… I’m the queen of Disaster DIY’s. You know when you see something on Pinterest and think, that looks easy and awesome, I should try it? Yea, that’s me. The only difference between ME & Pinterest ME is that most of my crafts end up looking like I had one too many glasses of wine and fell asleep holding the glue gun. Once in a while, I am somehow (by the grace of the craft gods) blessed with a perfect DIY outcome. I’ve been getting a ton of questions on Instagram and Twitter about my Painted Corona Bottles from my recent Fiesta, so I thought I’d share it with you guys! So it’s not necessarily as easy as I expected, but with a little patience, I swear you’re totally capable of mastering the craft.
You only need 2 things for these Corona DIY Painted Bottles:
Corona Bottles & Acrylic Paint. Both worked well. I just looked for the brightest colors. Depending on how many bottles you want to make, you can get less paint. 1 bottle of paint makes about 2-3 Corona bottles.

The one thing I didn’t realize in making these awesome bottle/vases was that it’s way harder to drink a case of Coronas in the middle of the day while crafting than expected. By bottle 4 I was full, tired & slightly buzzed. It was difficult staying on track, but I managed to rally and get the job done. If you’re under 21, I suggest asking a parent to pound a few bottles for you. No underage drinking guys!
So I tried taking pictures while creating my painted Corona bottles, but they ended up looking about as you’d expect: like a drunk toddler was doing crafts and taking pictures.

What you want to do:
- Make sure the painted Corona bottles are 99% dry before trying to paint them. Having them a little damp inside actually helps because the paint is so thick.
- Start with one bottle. You’re going to want to do this outside. I recommend on the grass because I made a huge mess initially all over our tablecloth. Whatever, it looks kind of avant garde and modern now.
- Tilt the bottle at an angle and squirt a few “squirts” (I don’t know what the professional crafting term for this is) into the bottle. You’re going to want to bang the bottle on something (I recommend the grass because it’s got a bit of cushion). Basically, because the paint is so thick, you have to bang on the glass to get it to trickle down and start coating the inside of the bottle. Once it starts moving, you’ll want to roll the bottle around to get it coat more of the inside.
- Once the paint stops moving, squirt some more in a different area of the bottle. You’re basically trying to work your way around the bottle until it’s entirely coated. I used about 1/3 of the paint per bottle.
- It takes a little bit of practice to get in the groove. I got a little system down where I’d bang on different areas of the bottle to get the paint to move around.
I use my painted bottles as vases for our Fiesta themed parties. Another fun addition is to use colorful daisies in them! All you have to do is add food coloring to the water you put your flowers in and they’ll soak up the color! They’re so colorful and fun looking that you can use them for decoration all year though if you want! Reminder: don’t drink out of them or add any liquid to them!

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