Career Spotlight: Interview with an All Star Uber Driver

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Career Spotlight: Interview with an Uber DriverCareer Spotlight: Interview with an Uber DriverCareer Spotlight: Interview with an Uber Driver

One of my favorite parts about being self employed and owning my own business is sharing my experience with others. Something that really resonates with me is teaching other young women how to create their own success stories. I think it’s important that every woman, whether they’re 15 or 45 know that they can create the career of their dreams. There are so many options and the sky is truly the limit for what you can achieve. That’s why, I’m so excited to share an interview I recently did with my new friend Ashes Coupas. Ashes is an all-star Uber driver who has created her own career to support her family and put herself through college.

The reason I’m so excited to share more with you guys about Ashes and the career she’s created is because it’s a great example of how you can create your own destiny and build an independent career for yourself. Before driving with Uber, Ashes was involved in law enforcement and was a member of the Police Explorers as a teenager. She later worked in law enforcement for over 15 years. She is a single mom, raising two children in San Diego.

When she was struggling to get back on her feet, she took action. She has been determined to provide for her kids and give them a great life. The day that we met she told me about how she won an award from Uber and was given tickets to Disneyland for her and her kids. Uber gives her the flexibility to spend time with her family and help her reach her long term goal of a degree in IT to work with virtual reality video game design. Ashes is an amazing role model, not only for her kids but for other young women.

Q&A with Ashes

Career Spotlight: Interview with an Uber Driver

What did you do before you were an Uber driver-partner?

Struggled! Living in San Diego is expensive! I’m a single mother of 2 AMAZING boys (10 & 13). I worked in Law Enforcement and the entertainment industry throughout my life.

I’ve fought depression and PTSD most of my life. In 2006 my marriage of 12 years failed leaving me alone. I was 7 months pregnant when my ex walked out and took everything. I started working on my degree in IT to keep myself distracted. Until the school made a financial error with my loans leaving me unable to complete my degree. I lost my second marriage in 2015, I’d pretty much given up… I was depressed and had nothing left. I’d lost everything I owned. My boys were staying with my church family because I had nothing left. I was giving in to the depression completely.

One day, I looked in the mirror and realized that even if I didn’t like myself… my boys loved me. They needed me and I needed them even more. I had no idea where to begin but I sat down at my computer and started thinking about what kind of job would even be feasible without having a vehicle of my own. I stumbled upon an ad for Uber…. They had a program that helped me get into a vehicle and start this amazing journey to change everything in my life.

Since that day, I’ve done nothing but improve the quality of life for both my children and I. Today, after 15 moths with Uber, I have a new car, past due bills paid up, a better living situation, improved credit score and improved self confidence. Uber helped me remember who I was before my life fell apart and has helped me put the pieces back together. I still struggle with depression and PTSD, but being an Uber driver-partner has made that struggle something I can overcome one step at a time.

How does Uber fit into your schedule/lifestyle?

As a single mother, it gives me the ability to be there for them when they need me.

With Uber, your schedule is completely your own. You decide when you want to work and when you’re done, just by turning your app on or off. You can take days off at your leisure or work straight through the week. The trick is to stay motivated. The more motivated you are the more you can earn!

My motivation aside from my boys, is looking back over the last year+ and seeing the progress in my lifestyle. Now I’m setting future goals that I know if I put in the time, I can achieve!

Career Spotlight: Interview with an Uber DrivervCareer Spotlight: Interview with an Uber Driver

-What advice would you give to another driver-partner about getting started? Taking their First Trip?

Getting started, make sure before you drive that you’ve read and understand the Terms of Service that you were given upon signing up with Uber. Your service agreement, Rules & Regulations, all included addendum’s, etc. are all located on your online dashboard main page to the right under contracts. Also, be sure to go to your Uber Dashboard and read “Guide to driving with Uber” under your help menu. If you read this information, you’ll know everything you need to know about being an Uber driver-partner.

If you still have any questions, find the local Green Light Hub.. The people working there are helpful and knowledgeable. If you have any issues or problems, they’re the folks to turn to.

First trip… Don’t over think it! Relax and have fun. When you meet your rider, engage in conversation (unless it’s clear they don’t want to talk). Ask them questions about themselves, find common interests and enjoy the ride!

*Patience is also a great attribute as a driver!

Would you recommend being an Uber driver-partner as a part time job or for someone looking for a new job? 

Being a driver isn’t for everyone. But if you’re a people person, love to socialize and meet people from all walks of life, then I think you should give it a shot. You might find that niche in life that you’ve overlooked.

What’s part of San Diego do you enjoy exploring most?

I have been all over from the beaches of San Diego, up past Los Angeles to Beverly Hills, down to the Mexican border, and as far East as Descanso. I never know where I’m going to end up from day to day, it’s always an adventure!

Career Spotlight: Interview with an Uber Driver

What’s your favorite thing about being an Uber driver-partner?

Meeting amazing folks! I’ve driven people from ALL different walks of life and heard some amazing stories. I have some awesome memories and have learned about SO many different cultures.

But the most important part is being able to improve my life and spend time and make some great memories with my children. Without Uber, I wouldn’t have been able to do it!

Apart from the earnings, what are the other benefits or rewards for Uber driver-partners?

Other than my own personal rewards that I benefit from by driving, Uber offers partners several benefits/rewards..

There are tons of awesome driving rewards too like discounts on gas, cell phone services, car maintenance and money management services. You also get complimentary access to a health insurance marketplace, which is great.

On a final note, I’d like to add…

Take care of your health! It’s easy to forget as a driver that you need to look after your own health. Take regular breaks, stretch and walk! Be sure to drink lots of water and pack a healthy lunch!

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