How to Make a Halloween Candy Charcuterie Board
How to throw together a sweet & spooky Halloween Candy Charcuterie Board!
ok, technically charcuterie refers to cured meats and cheeses. but who cares! When you look at this over the top halloween candy platter, it looks a lot like a charcuterie board.
You guys loved my halloween meat & cheese charcuterie board so much, i thought it would be fun to share another easy halloween hack: how to make a halloween candy charcuterie board!

halloween candy charcuterie board tips
whether you’re having a halloween party or just looking for a fun way to celebrate at home with spooky movies, an over the top halloween candy board is the perfect centerpiece.
my board is filled with all of our favorite candies. from candy corn and kit kats to gummy worms and candy eyeballs!
it’s such a fun centerpiece for halloween and everyone loves an excuse to grab a piece of their favorite candy! So why not put together a super cute assortment of halloween candy on your favorite butcher block or board!