Faux Real: My New Fave Leather Mini Skirt


Faux real… I’m obsessed with “leather” skirts right now. I got this cute little vegan leather button up skirt from Forever 21! For only $16, I was really surprised by how well it fit and that it’s not super cheesy pleather or a weird texture!

My favorite thing about it is that you can wear it with literally anything. I got this Pink Strappy Top from, duh Forever 21 as well. I’m willing to bet most people wouldn’t guess my entire outfit only cost $34! But I wear it all the time with t-shirts, crop tops, slouchy sweaters, wedges, tennis shoes… you can go super casual and or dress it up!

You can shop the look & some other F21 Skirt/Blouse picks below!

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Leather Skirt Forever 21 // Strappy Blouse Forever 21 // Boots Y.R.U. Sold Out (similar here)