Butterbeer Frappucinos & The Incredible Hulk Tacos… 6 Fast Food Secret Menu Items

Ok, so have you ever been to a fast food restaurant and seen someone eating something that looked REALLY good, but when you searched the menu, it’s nowhere to be found? That’s because every one of your favorite fast food spots has, drum roll please… a SECRET MENU!

I know, mind boggling right?

I spent my afternoon doing some birthday baking (recipes will be posted soon) and dreaming about Taco Bell. Which got me thinking, what are some of the coolest secret menu items out there? So, I did a bit of digging and am introducing you to (or maybe just reminding you) of 6 of my favorite Secret Menu Items!

Damn straight Chipotle has nachos. I remember the first time I went to Chipotle I scanned the menu and when I didn’t see a “Nacho” category, I shook my head and decided I could never completely embrace Chipotle. It’s basically like a burrito bowl with chips at the bottom. When you ask for nachos, you can choose any toppings including cheese, meat, beans, rice, salsa, guacamole, etc. I recommend asking them to put the cheese on first and then top with meat, that way the cheese melts under the meat.

Chipotle Nachos

Well Done Fries
I remember when my town first got In-N-Out when I was a teenager. The line was literally a mile long and took hours to get through. It quickly became the ‘hang out’ for kids in town. You know, where you casually park and wait for people to show up and look for parties (aka abandoned fields to drink “soda” in). I HATED In-N-Out french fries when I first hated them. I’m very particular about my fries and need them to be piping hot and crispy. One of my friends got a job at In-N-Out our senior year of high school and gave me the heads up… you can order your fries WELL DONE! What’s a well done fry you ask? Oh it’s just fried twice, which means extra crispy deliciousness.

Butterbeer Frappucino
Say whatttt!? Harry Potter at Starbucks!? What’s in it you ask? Take a Vanilla Bean Frappucino and add 1-2 Pumps of Caramel Syrup, 1-2 Pumps of Toffee Nut Syrup, top with whipped cream and drizzle with caramel sauce. Accio Butterbeer Frappucino!

(via Eat+Drink)

Buffalo Chicken Sandwich
One of the least talked about secret menu items at Chick-fil-A, it’s a combination of Spicy Chicken Sandwich and red fire spiced sauce. The best way I can describe it is like a giant boneless wing sandwich. I recommend the ranch dipping sauce. If the Chick-fil-A you go to doesn’t know what you’re talking about, just ask for Buffalo Sauce on your sandwich.

Neapolitan Shake
If you hadn’t noticed, I love me some dessert. We all know how good a milkshake is or even a good old fashioned McFlurry. But did you know you can ask for a Neapolitan Shake at McDonalds?? They’ll do equal parts of Chocolate, Vanilla & Strawberry Milkshake in one cup! Mmmm…. it’s like a 3 for 1 deal!

Taco Bell
The Incredible Hulk
Before even knowing what this is, you’re probably thinking… this is going to be delicious. It’s gotta be big and have something delicious inside. The Incredible Hulk is actually one of Taco Bell’s healthier options. It’s basically a 5 layer burrito, but instead of nacho sauce, they use guacamole! They also leave out the extra tortilla and sour cream, which makes it significantly healthier, but still just as filling and tasty!

(source unknown)

There are ton of other secret menu items, you just have to be sneaky and find out! Since fast food isn’t the healthiest option, I don’t recommend you run out and try all of these today. But maybe schedule them in every once in a while for a special treat! Be sure to share your findings with me on Instagram @erinschow #icecreamandneondreams!