Birthday Cake Makeover: Store Bought Drab to Homemade Fab

Extreme Cake Makeover: Store Bought Cake Covered in Sprinkles

Yesterday we had an impromptu bbq at our house to celebrate our friend Adam’s birthday. I’ve been so slammed with work lately, I realized at the last minute I had forgotten to bake a cake. As the resident baker of our group of friends, I felt so stressed. At this point, I kind of feel like people expect me to bake or whip up some treats for any gathering we have or go to. So because I had totally dropped the ball, I was scrambling at the last minute to come up with a dessert.

One skill I haven’t quite mastered is cake decorating. I’m more of a “it’s what’s on the inside that counts” girl. I see so many insane cakes on Instagram every day, but generally don’t have the patience to sit and decorate a cake for hours. I’m all about whipping up easy things that taste great. So for the birthday bbq, I opted to give a store bought cake a makeover worthy of the Fab 5.

The best part? It only cost me about $10! I went to the grocery store and found a cake that was discounted because the decorations had been smudged. Then gave it a Revenge Bakery makeover! Literally the EASIEST DIY that will totally impress all of your friends.DIY Store-bought Cake Makeover with Sprinkles

How to Makeover a Store Bought Birthday Cake

I opted for a vanilla cake with vanilla frosting, but you can use any flavor. I think that vanilla frosting looks better with sprinkles, but a chocolate or colorful frosting will work just fine. You can find a basic round or rectangular sheet cake at most grocery stores, Walmart or even Costco.

If you’re running behind, you can also order cakes on Instacart, which is a same-day grocery delivery service. Amazon Fresh also has cakes available from local bakeries, so if you need to stock up on some last minute party supplies (like drinks, chips, dips, etc.), just add a cake to your shopping cart and they’ll deliver it to your doorstep!

The only other thing you need is rainbow sprinkles. I opted for rainbow sprinkles (or jimmies as some know them), but you can pick any colors. You can use basic sprinkles, or a combination of shapes and colors. I even found these cool black and silver sprinkles that would make a really fun cake!


Leave your cake out on the counter (not in the refrigerator) for at least 15 minutes. You want to leave it out so that the frosting softens.

Then, using a knife (a dull butter knife works well) scrape off the decorative frosting on the of the cake. You don’t need to save it. I scraped it all into a cup.

Once the frosting is removed, make sure the surface is even.

Place the cake on a baking sheet and slowly pour the sprinkles on top. Using your hands, press the sprinkles onto the cake, covering the entire top of the cake. Then, pour some sprinkles into your hand and press them on the side of the cake, spinning it and covering the remaining edges.

That’s literally all there is to it! Put the cake onto a cake platter and serve! You can do it ahead of time and put it back into the refrigerator, or just give yourself about 5 minutes before you need to serve to guests! You can use any shape and top with additional decorations or candles!

Don’t forget to whip up a batch of my Champagne Glitter Jello Shots for the party too!

DIY Store-bought Cake Makeover with Sprinkles - Birthday Cake Makeover







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