T-Shirt Goals: My New Favorite Shirt

Guns N Roses T-shirt: my new favorite tee shirt

My Favorite T-Shirt Image Map

I posted a picture on Instagram a few weeks ago and got soo many questions about the shirt I was wearing. It’s my new fave tee from Missguided!

I have like the most insane collection of t-shirts. Literally I think I have like 3 drawers filled. I have them all organized by color and style. Don’t even get me started on shirts I’ve cut up or turned into tanks. I have about 20 t-shirts I’ve turned into choker t-shirts too.

My Favorite T-Shirt

I’m obsessed with this Guns N’ Roses tee because it’s super comfortable, slightly oversized and has really pretty colors! You can throw it on with jeans and a leather jacket, shorts and booties, a little leather skirt, or even leggings and tennies!

I get a ton of t-shirts from Missguided because they’re super affordable. This one was $29, but they’re always having sales. If you sign up for their mailing list, they’ll send you a ton of discount codes. If you’re a student, you also get an automatic 20% off! OH, and you get free shipping if you spend over $50. JACKPOT!

I love this one because it’s got that retro, vintage band tee vibe. It can be really hard to find vintage t-shirts that aren’t crazy expensive. Sorry, but I’m not spending $200 on a t-shirt. Not to mention, I don’t want to spend 5 hours scanning e-bay and haggling with someone.

I also love that all of their shirts fit really well and are true to size. I’ve never had an issue with them shrinking, which is a bonus. I noticed that most of their t-shirts are styled with the sleeves rolled up, which is super easy and gives it more of a feminine fit. If you’re feeling crafty, you can also use my DIY to turn it into a choker tee, or distress it yourself by adding some holes or slips by the collar!

Other Cute T-Shirts From Missguided

Style Your Tee With These


