The Art of Not Giving a Sh*t

no shits given

This morning I got so wound up reading BS on the internet. I’ll admit it, every once in a while… I give into the black hole of Instagram and reviewing the nastiness out on my feed.

Close your eyes. You hear that buzzing. It sounds kind of like when a light bulb goes out? Those are all of the shits running around playing freeze tag in your brain. Slowly driving you crazy. Those little buggers are what are holding you back. They’re what are keeping you from going after that job you want, going up to those girls you really want to be friends with, asking for a raise, trying a new hobby…

So, now you know. I have a lot of “shits given” in my brain. Like, next level. I’m what scientists call “a worrier” or “stress case”. On a bad day, I can easily convince myself that I should stop writing this blog because why would ANYONE want to read what I have to say and everyone probably thinks I’m a big time loser (real thoughts guys). Alas, I’m writing this blog right now. Somehow, I’ve mastered the art of not giving too many shits.

Rule #1: Not Giving a Shit Does Not Mean You Don’t Care

There’s nothing good about being indifferent. The key is to identify what’s important. Do I care if my sister gets sad because I haven’t texted her in a while? YES. Do I care if someone I’ve never met on the internet tells me I’m ugly? NO. Friends, Family, Dogs, Dogs… you should care about. People that don’t matter or who don’t add value to your life? No shits given.

Rule #2: Remember That Everyone Judges, Even You

Everyone is guilty of judging people, especially strangers. We can’t help it. Judging for no reason is the problem. Judging whether or not a stranger is dangerous and not taking candy from them? Fine. Judging someone because you don’t like the shirt they’re wearing? Not fine. At the end of the day, if someone is going to judge you for no reason, it’s their loss. You’re awesome and they missed out. If you’re worried about someone thinking you’re weird for trying to be friends… well that’s just weird of them.

Rule #3: You’re Not That Important

JK. You’re important. But in the eyes of a mean spirited gossiper, they’re not focused on you 24 hours a day. They might care about you for a few minutes, but then they move onto the next topic. If you’re sensitive (like me), you have to remember that everyone isn’t as considerate as you are!

Rule #4: Worst Case Scenario

Ok, so someone doesn’t like you. Or you don’t get that raise you wanted. Or that girl at the gym doesn’t want to be your workout buddy. The world still turns and life goes on. The most thing that can happen usually doesn’t physically affect you. It sucks. But you’ll still come out of it alive, kicking & with a little more knowledge of what you want.

Rule #5: NEVER (repeat NEVER) React

Here’s the most important part: DO NOT REACT. Some troll gets to you on Twitter? DON’T SAY ANYTHING MEAN! When you react, you’re only hurting yourself. If you don’t get the response you want from someone or someone acts a way that disappoints you, take a step back. If it’s important, you’ll come up with a  calm, cool & collected response later. Joining the hate train won’t fix anything.

No shits given
